Can you see these children with no voice? Let's help give them one.

Invisible Children, an organization started in order to give a voice to the voiceless, the children effected by the 20 year war in the Sudan/Ugandan area of Africa. The 20 year war, started by a Mr. Joseph Kony, was in order for him to obtain power of the Sudanese/Ugandan government in Africa. Kony then knew he had to obtain an army somehow, in order to overthrow the local government. Joseph Kony, a man who can know be seen as just as much of a devil as Hitler or Saddam or you fill-in-the-blank, decided on making his army by ubducting and kidnapping children in the African villages by night, and then forcing these children to be tortured and brainwashed into thinking that fighting and killing without a care in the world was okay and the right thing that needed to be done. Some of the children were even brutally murdered in front of their friend's eyes to show that escaping and refusing to fight would result in deathly consequences. The abductions, kidnappings, and rapings of these childen makes them turn into savage child soldiers who fight in Kony's army, abduct more children (some they possibly even know), and then kill and fight some more.This terrifying tale still is in practice today and is still being conducted every night in the Sudan. This IS the story of the Invisible Children in Africa. So know that you know that...HERE is where my news story really comes into play.

Recently, the Sudanese government has been given the chance to hold some minute peace talks with Joseph Kony and they are seeing this as a possible ray of hope. Joseph Kony, leader of the 20 year old LRA (Lord's Resistance Army), was expected to show up to talk with the government on Sunday, however, he sent his 14 year old son, Salim Saleh Kony, to make an appearance instead. Salim did not utter a word in order to obtain peace. So to us, the outside looking in, it would seem as though Kony does not want peace, however others would disagree. However, no one can be certain what Kony's attitude and motive is to all of this. If he will listen, maybe then these kids can be given a chance to live and end this war, or if he refuses to listen, then we the American people can step in and provide aide out of this horrific war. Either way, our assistance to these children and their families, is not unnoticed or unwanted or even unneeded. That is why Invisible Children, can even help us to provide the funds and the EVERYTHING that these African people need in order to obtain an everyday peace in their lives. Why wouldn't you want to be apart of something like this? I know that this is where my heart lies, with those children in Africa, and that I hopefully with some friends, will be able to go visit there someday and see for myself the destruction and the pain that this war has caused the families and people of the Sudan. It is apart of our world, and we know that God is asking us to aide this situation to be the worldchangers He beckons us to be. Ghandi once said, "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." Let us take this cause and run with it, to be the change we wish to see.
Give a voice to the voiceless. They need your voice to speak for them.
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