Magnificent Mona!

Leonardo Da Vinci was and still is a very influential and infamous painter and sculpter of the Renaissance Age. He created a path to all future art forms, and paved the way to show that art is a fascinating way to express the creativity in the mind of a human being.
Among many of Leo's works, though all are great, probably the most well-known and well-done painting to hit the world's art shelves was and is to this day, the gorgeous Mona Lisa. "La Giocanda", as she is often called in Italy, is supposedly the best representation of the perfect female figure. The famous art figure, known as Mona, has the exact measurements of what the face and head proportions would be on the perfect female figure.
Often, when people from around the world go to visit The Louvre, in Paris, France, they often wonder....."Why is Mona Lisa smiling?" Could it be that she is thinking of a man, or that something amazing has caught her eye? Or perhaps Da Vinci wanted to show the underlying happiness and joy he felt while painting her, by capturing that mysterious smile the world knows of on her face today. Whatever the reason may be, only Leonardo can know.
Famous art scholars, both in the modern and ancient worlds, have suspected as to why they think that Mr. Da Vinci painted Mona the way that he did. As we all can suspect, the reason that the Mona Lisa IS so famous, is due to the theft she experienced in the year 1911. All in all, the Mona Lisa, is one of the most, if not THE most, magnificent piece of artwork ever to be painted in the world as we know it.
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