Luther and the Reformation.

Martin Luther was one of the most influential figures of the Renaissance. He is still often seen as one of the most important, if not THE most important, people of this early Catholic church era. He is probably best known as the starter of the Reformation to the church.
Luther may have been infamous for his "rebirthing" of the church at this time, but he was just an average joe who, one day, wanted to change the paganistic ways that the church had grown accustomed to abiding by. He took one look at the appalling behavior and really decided to take the matters into his own hands, no matter what length of measures that he needed to take.
Martin Luther started this radical change off by really giving this important issue some public notice. Since everyone residing in the village at the time of this Reformation's birth, went to church EVERY Sunday, Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the Church's door. This showed everyone who walked by and who entered the church that Martin Luther, the monk, was becoming an extreme leader, especially in recognizing the church's main problem.
A ton of people at the time did NOT agree with Luther in seeing the church's need for a change, and fought him on this, simultaneously denying the lack of sincerity within the church. Even the attenders and church clergy found Luther to be a "thorn-in-their-side".
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