My Special Blog Topic. The life of Audrey Hepburn.

Throughout movie history, great actors have come and gone and left their impact on how the film industry and how the world operated from then on. One of these fabulous people, whom I believe to have the most impact, the most flair, the most class, and the most care for the world....was the beautiful Miss Audrey Hepburn.
Audrey, among others, left her prints upon the world and it shows within many of the things people all over the world do today. To me, she was absolutely brilliant, not just in her acting career, but in so many other different aspects of the world and the life she led as well, both ON and OFF the silver screen. To me, she is also an icon. She set the bar for where fashion would soon take off and copy her chic, what seemed effortless, and timeless style. Audrey looked beautiful no matter WHAT she wore and made everything work for her. There were times where she would seem to have loved what she wore on her tiny frame, but then in an interview or article that was reviewed later one, most people found out that this "Audrey" style she portrayed in her movies all too often was not her thing. Not every costume she wore prove to apply to this principle, but some like in the 1961 hit, "Breakfast at Tiffany's", Audrey confessed later on that those big jewels and diamonds that she wore in the movie were simply not her.
This blog is a small part of what will prove to be a long series of blogs dedicated to the gorgeous woman I like to call my role model, Miss Audrey Hepburn.
Throughout the next month, or however long as I care to go on for, I will be writing so many things about Audrey and how beautiful a soul and person she really was.
**NOTE: In case you the reader are wondering, is that this is solely my opinion. I did not hack or copy it off some other website. THESE are all MY words alone, darling.**
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