Obama's stand...again.
What exactly does Barack Obama think of the economic issues of our time? Where does he stand on some of the most important issues of our day that Americans are continuing to ponder on? If we are seriously looking into possibly electing Barack Obama s our next President of the United States, then why not go into it thinking smartly about what he thinks of our dire issues at hand...? The people of this country cannot go blindly into electing someone just for their gender, the color of their skin, or any of their personal beliefs just simply because they agree.
First, how does Senator Obama feel about the issue that perhaps is one of the most argued over issues of our day...ABORTION.
If we were to go down the list of details about where he stands on each little portion of what abortion is about, some and probably even most of us would be shocked. One website that tells of what Obama and other politcians of our day believe on each individual issue says that in 2008 Barack is, "...undecided on whether or not life begins at conception...then decides to teach teens about abstinence and contraception...ok for state to restrict late-term partial birth abortion...and that we can find common ground between pro-life and pro-choice." Then found in 2007, "...trusts women to make their own decisions on partial-birth abortion...voted against banning partial-birth abortion...said stem cells hold promise to cure 70 major diseases...voted YES on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines...ensure access to and funding for contraception."
So, wait, before even going any further, why is Obama constantly contradicting himself with whether or not he thinks this way or that way on these issues surrounding abortion such as whether or not to give out contraception to students or whether or not we should allow partial-birth abortion??? Grrr....we need to have a REAL president who thinks about REAL issues in a very REAL way.
So about Obama's stand on budget and economy? Hmmm...
Obama states, "We can't anything at home with $12 billion being spent on Iraq." I tend to say Iraq is a pretty big issue in itself and the fact that we need to continuously be spending the money over there says that they do not have an established government. I, along with most Americans would tend to lead towards seeing Iraq as an absolute need to spend some money on. We cannot just leave them in the dust and unattended without a penny or hope left in their pockets.
He also views Bush's stimulus plan as leaving out seniors and those who are currently unemployed. Barack also sees the need for the homeowners to actually be living in their homes. As true and as wholesome as that strategy may seem....we have to ask and wonder exactly HOW Mr. Obama is going to go about this.
Now for civil rights...
Obama sees that, along with some Americans, hate crimes that are caused by immigration is wrong and should be quite illegal. I have to say I must agree, since I believe that any hate crimes are awful no matter what the circumstance.
All in all, with Senator Barack Obama alongside Joe Biden as V.P. candidate on the ticket, we're probably in for a bumpy ride.
**Mr.Lockwood, my links are all not available to work. If you would like me to show you some more links in order for my grade not to go down, I would be more than happy to.**
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