Challenges of the era before WWII

Throughout our nation's fine history, many wars have been fought, and many have produced sturggles and challenges, as well as freedoms and victories. Both in the times of the post war and pre war, many things were going on that ultimately lead to making or breaking how the war turned out and whats its underlying effects claimed to be.
One of these well known and beyond famous wars of the American past was World War II. Yes, 2. The second one. The FIRST World War proved to be a huge uproar and a major shock to what the world's eyes were focused on. After this stunning and defeating tragedy, the countries of planet Earth vowed to never have another war like this one ever again. What they didn't add into their calculations was that people are all different and thus, have differing opinions that tend to disagree with others on occasion.
However, the topic at hand is not about this. What we're about to speak of is what is behind the scenes of the second world war. In the events of the decade of the 1930's, many proved to be quite monumental. In 1930, the planet Pluto was discovered. In 1931, the Empire State Building was dedicated to the great city of New York, New York. Also, in this same year, the wonderfully educational and playful "Dick And Jane" reading books were just starting to be published. In the same year, the National anthem was declared by the U.S. Congress to be "The Star Spangled Banner". President Franklin Delano Roosevelt became the President of the good ole' USA. Hoovervilles and the early years of the Great Depression were just starting to wrap up, and the economy, although slow and tiresomely at a stand still, started to climb the ladder of progress. In 1935, the Parker Brothers had a craving for people to feel like they should be making money, so of course, they created a board game to revolve around it, Monopoly. Previously in 1932, Lake Placid held the 1932 Olympics and this became a birthplace for a renwed interest in modern day water sports. Then, in the latter years of the 30's, movies like Gone With the Wind, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and The Wizard of Oz lit up the silver screens. And....who could forget the overcoming rise of the Dust Bowl of the midwest...?
Overall, a ton ton TON of things were happening and the 30's boomed big and glorious even after the loss from the Depression and its resulting breadlines. Hitler came to power in Germany, and this ultimately lead to one of the most foundational conflicts to the war ever.
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