Understanding Intelligent Design-Time with the Authors.

Intelligent Design is something that most people in the world today struggle with for numerous reasons. Yesterday evening, I had the privilege of going down to San Juan Capistrano and hearing Sean McDowell give a lecture on this most fascinating subject alongside Dr. William Dembski.
Dembski and McDowell recently co-wrote their new book, Understanding Intelligent Design. In the lecture, they both took a different apporach when addressing this pressing issue within the modern world. When Sean McDowell came up to speak as the first speaker for the evening, he presented the material of intelligent design still in a brilliant way, however with some humor which I found to be more interesting. William Dembski, being the genius doctor that he is, presented his portion of the material in a more straightforward, mathmatical, scientific way that lacked humor, but in no way lacked brains on the best information regarding the subject of intelligent design vs. Darwinism.
One website, conversantlife.com, that sells this growing in popularity book, says,
"Intelligent design or lucky accident? The prevailing mind-set in our schools and in the media is that everything we see came into being strictly by accident. But in the user-friendly resource, William Dembski and Sean McDowell show that many scientists are now admitting that their viewpoint is not based on fact. Understanding Intelligent Design clearly shows what the best information is revealing - that our existence is not an accidental by-product of nature but a clear result of intelligent design."
There are so many examples within nature and the natural world overall that completely point in the position that the universe must have had some intelligent design behind its making. Even Richard Dawkins, a most noted atheistic professor at Princeton, said that the universe LOOKS like it is so intelligently and intricately designed, but JUST ISN'T. Mr. McDowell pointed this out to the audience and this proved to be a very funny point for Dawkins to make. Sean McDowell even showed clips from Family Guy, the popular show who seems to have a developing interest in the ways of Darwin's theory and evolution.
Overall, the lecture that we heard yesterday, (Mrs.Patag, Drew, Matt, Aihelya, Courtney, Michael M, and Myself) was amazing. It had so much evidence against atheistic thought and evolutionary presuppositions. McDowell and Dembski alike had me thinking that they had really done thorough research as far as gaining more and more proof for the certainty of intelligent design that I don't know HOW ON EARTH any atheist could disagree. I loved every minute of it. Even though at times it proved to be somewhat tediously hard to listen to, it really gave me a deeper understanding of how intelligent design is truly unbeatable.