Thru the eyes of a Brunette

Sunday, September 28, 2008

40th post...and campaign advertising.

As we the American people notice that there is an aggresive Preisdential campaign on the rise, we pay heed to the warnings-whether they be funny or just informational-they always tend to grab our attention. Today wwe as people who are always looking for the "here and now" and the "latest and greatest" want the same and expect no less even when it comes to who we are electing as our future President. Below are just some of the examples of both old and new advertising ways to catch the American viewers attention...'s one: (or should we say "the one")???...

Such naive views...


Ooh, my personal favorite...NOT!

Reagan sees what a wonderful world this is in America and in the morning...funny.

All in all, these are just some of the best campaign ads I've ever seen, both past and present. Media, media, media, when we will ever get things right?


At 6:41 PM, Blogger Still Thinking said...


This blog is Chuck Approved!

At 6:44 PM, Blogger Still Thinking said...

BTW...the Kennedy commercial, besides being the longest commercial I have ever seen, answers for me the question of where the Ferris Bueller line at Wrigley Field (Cameron, Ferris' friend continues to repeat..."Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy...swiiiiiing batter") came from (I had always wondered)....I had never seen that commercial before. Well done.


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