Thru the eyes of a Brunette

Saturday, September 13, 2008

John McCain's Stand.

In the past few weeks, John McCain, running alongside Barack Obama for the position of the United States President, has taken his own personal stand on the most impacting and important issues of our day.

Among the highest priorities for McCain include the war in Iraq, pro-life and adoption rates, and of course, the big issue of immigration reform. His stand on abortion, if you haven't already guesses, is none other than pro-life. As far as his view on capital punishment, he is in full support of a federal crime being given the punishment of capital punishment...and I think we know what that means. On the education of our children in America, Senator McCain fully believes that the "No child left behind" law is an excellent way to start, however should be adjusted accurately.

When faced with the issue of the environment and energy issues, John McCain firmly takes a stand in the idea of the United States no longer being dependent on foreign oil, and should likewise arrive at better conclusions as to how more energy efficient ways of saving our natural energy can come about for all Americans. He sees the climate change can only be fixed from creating a climate, global solution.

On the ever-growing statement of gay marriage, McCain says that gay is not the way and that civil unions are fully accepted. When faced with the idea of the cost of the modern-day healthcare, John McCain says that in order to lower the cost of the average healthcare options, we must bring down the cost of insurance across the spectrum. As far as immigration is concerned, McCain thinks that stronger borders should be put into action, yet illegal immigrants should still be offered a way in which they may receive legal citizenship. His view on the war in Iraq, on which a huge portion of America is opposed to, McCain states, “The war in Iraq is at a crossroads and the future of the entire region is at stake - a region that produced the terrorists who attacked America on 9/11 and where much of the world’s energy supplies are located. Success is essential to creating peace in the region, and failure would expose the United States to national security threats for generations." He also says that, "...difficult for now, but not without hope.”

Social security is also another issue on which John McCain has made a stand on. An article writes of McCain, "McCain calls for bipartisan reform of America’s entitlement programs, including Social Security." When confronted on what his thoughts were on stem-cell research, McCain believes that the creation of human embryos solely for the purpose of the research, is totally wrong. However, simultaneously, he supports the idea of federally-funded stem-cell research within the sphere of existing lines of the stem cells we already contain within our labs.

Lastly, Senator McCain was also given the opportunity to share where he stood on the issues of taxes and the budget crisis. The same article writes, "McCain supports the repeal of the Alternative Minimum Tax. Supports making the Bush administration’s income and investment tax cuts permanent. Promises to increase transparency in government spending and take aim at “wasteful” “pork barrel” spending. Has called for requirement of a 3/5 vote of Congress to raise taxes. Supports ban on Internet and cell phone taxes."


At 6:33 PM, Blogger Still Thinking said...



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