Campaigning...and the history of it.

Throughout the history of the campaign trail, Presidential candidates running for office at various times in history have often always had differing strategies. The candidates have used short campaigning movies (i.e.-commercials), buttons in which a catchy,little slogans are placed on them, or even just funny little sayings such as "Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too!"
All in all, the campaign trail for each running mate has been different from all others. There have been what has become to be known as the "presidential debates" and in this way, media has become heavily influential within the development on how the "campaign-ees" are supposed to run for office. Even now more so than ever, the campaign trail has become saturated with coverage here and there, and with the bits and pieces that people believe are true, even if in some cases they aren't.
However, even though the presidential debates, followed by television coverage, were once a thing where real issues at hand were discussed...have now become the building blocks for attacks on the opposing side for each of the candidates. They have come to nit-pick all the ins and outs of what the candidates actually say, grammatically incorrect versus what they should be focusing on, and that is of course what their opposer thinks of the issues that the American people wanna hear about.
Political correctness has also become huge within the way the modern day campaigns are run. Take for example the little girl and the daisy commercial that Presidential candidate at the time, Lyndon B. Johnson had put out. It starts out with a sweet, little girl...and she is picking the petals off the daisy, when a countdown starts and then....BAM!!! She's blown to smithereens! It is so sad. I use this example in particular because in today's culture, we would never, EVER see this on the screens of our television today. This commercial was indeed horrible, yet at the time of its making and release, the American people of the time were not as effected by it as many of us would be today.
Overall, throughout the history of campaigning, we have as Americans, come to see candidates come and go and strategies being used in and out, yet simultaneously we see a great progression within the way the campaign trail is being followed. Some of the improvements really are just that, improvements. However, often in today's culture, the media distorts and twists the candidates' words and actions into what THEY WANT THEM TO BE, not what they actually are. They take a picture of x,y, and z candidates and then put fangs on them or make their said phrases dirty or corrupt, when in fact, sometimes they really didn't mean that at all to begin with. The history of campaigning has come so far...or has it?
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