Biden vs. Palin...debate, uh yeah.

So...the average American sits down, and begins to watch the Vice-Presidential debate. Who? What? When? Why?...are all questions that could be thought of when viewing this debate. Governor Sarah Palin, is pretty firm, but then again, people saw Joe Biden as firm too. So who did better? What were some of the things that were said? Why were they said? Did anyone win, or was it a neutral ending? Hmmmm...
Let's start with Sarah Palin.
She took the cuts and jabs. She strongly backed up her opinion and had sufficient reason to do so. Palin also did something that Biden did more often than not, which was to attack the opposing party. Palin took a stand on what her running mate, Presidential candidate John McCain, had to say about every subject under the sun. She very clearly showed what Senator McCain thought. Sure, she used terms like, "Joe Six-Pack" and "Hockey mom", but simultaneously she made her efforts clear and bold. She took charge and took hold of taking the blame for what she felt needed to be claimed.
I am not in any way swayed in one way or another, or if I am, am not going to attempt to convey that on this blog, HOWEVER, Mr. Biden referred to Senator McCain as simply, "John" the entire time he spoke up at the podium. Another thing that Biden did while in the debate, was attack, attack, attack. His stance, more often than not, was directed on the attacks he could make upon his opposing side. He really didn't provide a lot of background for what his running mate for the Presidential office, Barack Obama, Senator from Illinois. Insteand, Biden simply provided lines that cut into what McCain/Palin's plan was for taxes, economy, real estate, etc. From watching and listening, the average American, if not swayed by personal preference, is seeing that Biden is only giving McCain a bad name, and Obama, no name at all.
After seeing this debate, I ultimately concluded that Palin was more firm and clear on what her running mate provided in hopes of plans for the American people...AND...Biden just gave his running mate no better explanation for what he stood for. Overall, I was more impressed with Palin's performance and answers, than I was with Biden's stand...which to me, seemed very wishy-washy and completely unclear.
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